Hernan Marquez of Mexico successfully defended his World Boxing Association (WBA) Flyweight Title Crown against Edrin Dapudong of the Philippines via a 3rd round knockout victory in their fight at the Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico.
Hernan Marquez vs Edrin Dapudong Round-by-round result
Round 1:
Edrin Dapduong started with a left jab. Marquez connected a body punch. At 1:17, Dapudong connected a good right straight to the face of Hernan Marquez. Marquez throws a 1-2-3 combinations. Dapudong the aggressive one and Marquez waiting a punch to came in so he can threw a counter.
10-9 Hernan Marquez
Round 2:
Dapudong missed the left hand. Marquez's style, one shot to the body and a right hook. Dapudong connected with a left hard shot. Marquez threw a body shot and uppercut. Again, a very good counter right of Marquez while he's on the ropes. Good jabs for Dapudong and a left hand shot. Great round.
10-9 Edrin Dapudong
Round 3:
Dapudong started with a left jab and right straight. Marquez went down but not cause by a punch, just a little push by Dapudong. Marquez connected a shot to the body. Again, shot to the body by Marquez. At 1:36, Marquez connected a good counter left which Dapudong backed off with his feet. Marquez followed up with a right and left combinations while Dapudong went on the ropes. Dapudong answered with a right but the quick left hand of Marquez sent Dapudong down, a very nice counter left again. Referee counted, Dapudong still able to stood up and can continue to fight. But the referee stopped it!, Hernan Marquez won.
The bout has a little problem (for me), there was a misunderstanding between the referee and Edrin Dapudong. The referee asked Edrin to continue the fight and Dapudong said he can, but why the referee had stopped the bout?? I don't think Dapudong can't continue, he was just looking to recover not quitting. Anyway, it's all done, Hernan Marquez successfully defended his WBA Flyweight Title for the first time against Edrin Dapudong.