Carl Froch fought wisely in this bout as he keep the range against Glen Johnson. Carl Froch admitted that Glen Johnson was a tough fighter, he had strong both hands that landed and perfect combinations.
Carl Froch and Glen Johnson exchanged hard punches round-by round and the bout was very close. The real fight goes where the boxing crowds waiting for the results, the three judges scored 114-114, 117-111 and 116-112 favor to Carl Froch. Is that true??? Both guys showed tremendous heart in this fight. Carl Froch and Glen Johnson put a huge fight tonight and lot of actions was delivered which was a result of a close fight, but how the scorecards not matching closely? What do you think?. . . .
Carl Froch successfully defended his World Boxing Council Super Middleweight Title Crown against Glen Johnson of Jamaica and stepped up to next level as to fight Andre Ward in the Final of Super Six World Boxing Classic.
Don't miss to watch the upcoming fight of Andre Ward vs Glen Johnson in the Final of Super Six World Boxing Classic of Showtime Sports.